I-LEAD Associates believe in the equal worth and dignity of all individuals and are committed to enhancing and developing the leadership skills of all individuals to their maximum potential. We believe that only a small percentage of people can teach others to become better leaders.
Learning how to become a better leader is a process whereby individuals are given increasingly more responsibility coupled with effective mentoring, coaching, and guidance to achieve desired results.

I-LEAD Associates:
Red Provide efficient, quality service to clients;
RedTreat everyone with courtesy, dignity, and respect;
RedStrive for understanding through open, timely, and clear communication;
RedBelieve that every person in the organization is part of the team and is thus part of the solution; and
Red Believe that "You can, if you think you can!"

About the Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Thomas L. Williams, Ed. D.

Dr. Williams recently retired as a professor in the Department of Teacher Education at California State University, Sacramento, CA. He received his Bachelor of Science (B.S.) from Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN; his Master of Science (M.S.) from Purdue University, Lafayette, IN; and his Doctor of Education (Ed. D.) from the University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA.


Janet Irene Hecsh, Ph. D.

I-LEAD Associate

Degrees Earned

Ph. D., University of California, Davis, CA

M.A., University of California, Davis, CA

B.A., University of California, Los Angeles, CA

Clear Secondary Teaching Credential (Social Science and Spanish)


Linda S. James, Ed. D.

I-LEAD Associate

Degrees Earned

Ed. D, Alliant Int'l University

San Francisco, CA

M.S., California State University, Hayward, CA

B.A., California State University, Fresno, CA

Harold "Skip" N. Landon

I-LEAD Associate

Degrees Earned

Clear Administrative Services Credential, National University

Preliminary Administrative Services Credential, National University

M.A., Consortium of California State Universities

B.A., California State University, Fresno CA
