One-to-One Performance Coaching

Custom Designed to Meet the Needs of Individuals, Organizations, Agencies, or Businesses


Essentially, I-LEAD’s One-to-One Performance Coaching is an

“Executive leadership seminar for one.”

Our Goal

Making a difference . . . one day at a time, one client at a time!

Our Belief

Learning how to become a better leader is a process whereby individuals are given increasingly more responsibility coupled with effective mentoring, coaching, and guidance to achieve desired results.

Our Specialty

Leadership enhancement and development via individualized performance coaching and training seminars.



One-to-One Performance Coaching

One-to-One Performance Coaching is a confidential, results-oriented partnership that is designed to provide clients with the insights and tools needed to positively augment their leadership skills and simultaneously achieve organizational goals. The majority of I-LEAD’s coaching sessions are conducted with one client at a time.  However, I-LEAD’s performance coaches occasionally work with an entire management or executive team. When one-to-one performance coaching is coupled with management or executive team coaching, the results are very powerful and accomplish significant organizational change in a short time. Thus, I-LEAD performance coaches can work simultaneously on individual and organizational goals and issues. One-to-one performance coaching:

  • red Equips people with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities needed to develop personally and become more effective leaders;
  • red Builds a leader’s capability to achieve short- and long-term organizational and personal goals: and
  • red Helps executives develop clarity of purpose and focus on day-to-day actions and behaviors.

Do I Need A Performance Coach?

Yes, because working with a performance coach can help you: A) Build a dynamic team of loyal supporters, B) Enhance your interpersonal skills, C) Enhance your leadership skills, and D) Deliver your intended message in a way that improves relationships with supervisors, peers, direct reports, or key stakeholders.  Performance coaching can help you unlock your natural strengths, creativity, and resourcefulness. Additionally, by working with a performance coach, you will increase your ability to communicate with clarity, and simultaneously garner the support of your colleagues and employees.

Why Should I Hire A Performance Coach?

Hire a performance coach to:

  • redHelp sharpen leadership skills in preparation for career advancement
  • redAchieve deeper learning in targeted areas
  • redGain clarity related to professional responsibilities and personal concerns
  • redEnhance interpersonal skills
For More Information

Call Thomas L. Williams, Ed. D., at (916) 704-5513 to arrange for you or members of your organization to participate in I-LEAD’s One-to-One Performance Coaching sessions. Also, you may wish to get information about I-LEAD's Executive Leadership Seminars



Custom Designed to Meet the Needs of Individuals, Organizations, Agencies, or Businesses

Guiding Principles:

Accountability: the underlying premise of the individual's or organization's efforts.

Achievement: the focal point of the individual's or organization's time and effort.

Advocacy: the process whereby individuals and organizations provide support to self and others in order to maximize growth opportunities.

Diversity: Associates work to create a learning or working environment in which every client is respected, encouraged to seek their potential, and achieves at a level they may not have previously thought possible.

Collaboration: I-LEAD Associates work with clients to maximize the client's potential.